HBP Part 15.2. Tuition and Fee Billing

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Handbook of Business Procedures

Date published: March 15, 2011
Last revised: February 11, 2025
Issued by: Student Accounts Receivables


A. Policies Governing Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges

Policies governing the payment or refund of tuition, fees, and other charges are approved by The University of Texas System Board of Regents and comply with applicable state statutes, including Education Code Title 3. Higher Education, Subtitle A. Higher Education in General, Chapter 54. Tuition and Fees. Tuition and fees are subject to change by legislative or regent action and become effective on the date enacted. For clarification of any matter relating to payment or refund of charges, a student should contact the office or administrative unit that originated the charge or refund. For more information, or to find out which office or administrative unit originated a charge, e-mail Tuition and Fee Billing at fbic@austin.utexas.edu.

Note: Eligible students can defer tuition and fees to financial aid or third-party billing.

B. Collection of Tuition

1. Fall and Spring Semester

Tuition and fees for the fall and spring semesters may be paid in full at the time of registration, or they may be paid according to the following three-payment installment plan, which requires the student to sign a promissory note.

  • The first payment is due at the time of registration and includes:
    • One-half the amount of tuition and required fees, plus the full amount of optional fees
    • Installment plan service charge
    • The following amounts, if applicable:
      • International student health insurance
      • General property deposit
      • Late registration fee
  • The second payment is due prior to the sixth week of class and the third payment is due prior to the eleventh week of class. Each payment equals one-quarter of the originally billed tuition and fees plus adjustments for adds and drops.

Note: If the student selects the installment plan and subsequently receives a financial aid award, the student’s total tuition and fees will be deducted from the award at the time of disbursement. The three-payment installment plan is not available to students who register after the twelfth class day.

2. Summer Semester

Tuition and fees for the summer semester must be paid in full at the time of registration because no payment plan is available.

C. Late Payments

A student’s registration process is complete only with a payment of tuition and fees. Failure to pay this amount, or the first installment if on the payment plan, results in the cancellation of registration.

Selection of the three-payment installment plan constitutes an agreement to pay the remaining tuition and fees on a timely basis. If the second or third installment payment is received after 5:00 p.m. on the due date, a late fee will be assessed. Students with past-due installment balances are sent reminders. If a student has an uncollected balance, it becomes a financial bar, which prevents receipt of university services, including registering for class, obtaining new institutional loans, and receiving official transcripts.

D. Withdrawals

A student who withdraws from The University of Texas at Austin after the twentieth class day is responsible for the full amount of tuition and fees due, per state statute Education Code Title 3. Higher Education, Subtitle A. Higher Education in General, Chapter 54. Tuition and Fees, Subchapter A. General Provisions, Section 54.006. Refund or Adjustment of Tuition and Mandatory Fees for Dropped Courses and Student Withdrawals. A student who fails to make payment in full, including late fees assessed, may be subject to one or more of the following actions at the university's discretion:

E. Refund Policy

A refund for overpayment of fines, charges, or tuition and fees will be processed 14 calendar days after receipt of payment. Refunds are applied to outstanding or current due balances and any remaining refund is returned to the student.

F. International Student Health Insurance

International students are required to have medical insurance while attending the university. For more information, see the International Student and Scholar Services Web page. If a qualifying alternate insurance is presented to International Student and Scholar Services prior to the official census date for the semester, this requirement may be waived. Waiver eligibility is described on the Student Insurance waivers Web page and must be submitted by the official census date of the semester.

G. Tax Reporting

The university will prepare and file Form 1098-T, Tuition Statements for students who paid or received credit for qualified education expenses applicable to the tax year, provided they are not subject to an exception. Students generally do not need to request Form 1098-T, except for international students who must provide a valid SSN/TIN to be eligible. Not all students will receive a Form 1098-T. The forms will be delivered to students no later than January 31st. Forms will be made available electronically to students; physical copies will only be mailed if the student has not opted in to electronic receipt of their Form 1098-T. Mailed forms will be sent to the address indicated per university records. Students are responsible for ensuring the university has accurate and current contact information.

Form 1098-T is necessary to support any claim for an education credit on federal income tax returns. However, the university cannot provide any assistance regarding eligibility or calculation of the credits.

Student's tax returns (e.g., Forms 1098-T, 1098-E) and related information are confidential and disclosed only to the student. If the student is a minor, or was at time of death, this information may be shared with their parent or legal guardian. Any other person requesting a student's tax return or related information must provide a legal document (e.g., court order, statutory durable power of attorney) authorizing them to act on behalf of or for the student.



Part 15. Student Accounting - Table of Contents