*DEFINE Help Resources

Find the Expert

To find the expert for a screen command in *DEFINE use the PF10 function key. To begin, press the F10 key on your keyboard. Next, type the name of the screen/command, e.g., VP5, and press Enter. A list of experts for that command is listed, along with the expert's phone number. When there is no processing expert assigned for a screen/command the help line phone number is listed as a default.

Look up Definitions

The PF10 function key in *DEFINE also provides a glossary of accounting and *DEFINE terms. Press the F10 key and type the term you are searching for, then press Enter. If no entry is found, type the first few letters of the word and press Enter.

View Online Help

The PF6 function key within each command provides detailed information including instructions and field-specific help for the entire command. To view general help for the command, press the F6 key. To view help for a specific field within a command, type a question mark (?) in the first space of the field and press Enter.

Troubleshoot Error Messages

The HH3 command in *DEFINE provides a list of command error messages and how to resolve them.


If you have further questions about *DEFINE, visit askUS (keyword *DEFINE).