Handbook of Business Procedures
Date published: Nov. 30, 2009
Last revised: April 4, 2024
Issued by: Financial Accounting and Reporting
A. Introduction
Gift funds (30-accounts) are used to record gifts and related expenditures received from donors that do not exhibit characteristics of sponsored projects (see Handbook of Operating Procedures policy 7-1240: Designating External Support as a Gift of Sponsored Award). All gifts should be entered in VIP Direct and a solicit code or endowment tracking code should be included when appropriate. Supporting documentation and deposits should then be delivered to The University of Texas at Austin’s Gift Operations (TGO) team. For more information, contact the University Development Office.
There are three distinct types of 30-accounts:
- General
Unrestricted nonendowed gift funds may be deposited for use in a Various Donors/Various Purposes (VD/VP) 30-account. Restricted nonendowed gifts, such as for academic support or research, are to be deposited into other nonendowed 30-accounts within a college, school, or unit (CSU). All restricted gifts for research must be deposited in an account that is appropriately coded in DEFINE with NACUBO code 06. Each restricted gift equal to or greater than $100,000 designated for research should receive its own dedicated 30-account with report code GFT RSCH. Expenditures are allowed.
- Endowment Holding
Gifts intended for the creation of new endowments should be entered in the VIP system with the endowment tracking code, and a solicit code should be included when appropriate. TGO will then deposit the gift in the CSU’s endowment holding 30-account for future transfer to the endowment investment 57-account. Deadlines for quarterly buy in to the Long Term Fund will be provided by the Development Office. No expenditures are allowed.
- Endowment Distribution and Expenditures
This account receives quarterly investment distributions from the endowment to be used for expenditures. Each 30-account is linked to a specific 57-account. Expenditures from endowment distributions 30-accounts are restricted by the type of endowment and by the donor criteria (i.e., only appropriate subaccounts are allowed). Generally, this type of 30-account may not receive additional gift funds, unless gifted by the endowment donor for the purpose of immediate expenditure. For more information about endowments, see Development Guide: Endowments.
B. Source of Funds
Development Texas Gift Operations (TGO) is the official repository for all charitable giving to the university. TGO processes gifts and provides receipts for all donations to the university in accordance with the policies of The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Texas System, which comply with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.
For answers to questions about gift processing, e-mail TGO at giftoperations@austin.utexas.edu or call 512-471-5424.
C. Terminology
- General or Various Donors/Various Purposes Accounts
General or Various Donors/Various Purposes (VD/VP) accounts are for unrestricted nonendowed gifts.
- Endowment Holding Accounts
Endowment holding accounts are for gifts pending endowment establishment.
- Endowment Distribution and Expenditure Accounts
Endowment distribution and expenditure accounts are for receipt of distributions from endowment investment accounts and generally do not accept direct gifts, unless an exception is made by the donor for immediate expenditure.
- Endowment Tracking Code
An endowment tracking code is used on the VIP Direct Gift Entry Web page to track gifts to endowments so they can be differentiated from other kinds of solicitations and transferred to the appropriate 57-account when it is created.
- Solicit Code
A solicit code is used on the VIP Direct Gift Entry Web page to track gifts that were solicited from donors.
D. Transfers
- TGO must be notified of all transfers in order to update the VIP system.
- Transfers between general gift funds are allowed.
- Transfers may be made from a general 30-account or an endowment holding account into a 57-account for endowment investment.
- Unspent endowment distributions may be transferred for reinvestment to the corresponding 57-account.
E. Rules and Restrictions
- Expenditures must meet donor restrictions.
- Purchasing and payment procedures of The University of Texas at Austin must be followed.
- Entertainment expenses may be allowed if the Entertainment and Official Occasions Expenditure Policy is followed.
- Individual subscriptions, club memberships, and professional dues are allowed, when benefit to the university can be shown.