Handbook of Business Procedures
Date published: January 17, 2012
Last revised: December 13, 2016
Issued by: Purchasing
UT System Administration Policy Library – Policy UTS159: Purchasing states that purchases are not permitted from an employee (or relative of an employee) unless approved by the president or chancellor, as appropriate, and the cost is less than from any other known source.
A purchase from an employee by a university department must receive approval before a purchase agreement is made with the employee, regardless of the dollar amount. Requests for exception must be routed to the director of procurement and payment services and to the vice president and chief financial officer for approval.
Requests for exception must:
- fully describe the product or service to be purchased.
- state the reason why the purchase from the employee is the best alternative.
- provide a comparison of cost from other vendors who offer the same product or service to demonstrate it is the lowest cost option.