HBP Part 7.7.7. Purchases Eligible Through Multiple Procurement Methods

Handbook of Business Procedures

Date published: February 10, 2012
Last revised: May 24, 2024
Issued by: Purchasing


The following goods and services may be purchased for The University of Texas at Austin through a purchase order or a contract.

The requesting department shall be responsible for ensuring they follow the proper procurement method before purchasing. For assistance, please contact the Central Procurement Office at purchasing@austin.utexas.edu

  • Regulated utilities
  • Subscriptions to publications
  • Cell phones and pagers1
  • Cell phone and pager monthly service charges1
  • Internet service providers (ISPs)1
  • ISP monthly service charges1
  • Professional memberships related to an employee’s work
  • Exam fees
  • Seminar registration fees
  • Accreditation fees
  • Exhibit booth fees
  • Postage, including Postmaster payments to replenish meter permit
  • Catering2
  • Freight only - not associated with a purchase order
  • Tuition
  • Classified advertising3 or advertising in books, journals, and magazines
  • Page charges for reprints
  • Books on local funds that are ordered directly from the publisher
  • Demurrage, or cylinder rental fees
  • Items purchased for sole purpose of resale4
  • Items purchased solely using funds collected for conferences, camps, or seminars4
  • Subsequent invoices for periodic renewals, maintenance fees, and other charges associated with approved software license agreements (SLA). These charges may be paid on a *DEFINE VP2 document using the original SLA as supporting documentation.

1 If an instrument or service is purchased from a Department of Information Resources (DIR) Tex-AN contract and the supplier requires a purchase order, a purchase order must be used and monthly service charges must be paid using the *DEFINE VP1 document.

2 If a catering company requires a signature on a contractual agreement prior to providing the service, forward the documents to the business contracts administrator in the Business Contracts Office for review and processing.

3 Local newspapers prefer to charge a credit card or invoice a registered subscriber.

4 The procurement process should follow purchasing guidelines and use best value standards in selecting a supplier.



Part 7. Purchasing - Table of Contents