Accounting and Financial Management is in the process of implementing GASB 96, a Governmental Accounting Standard which addresses Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA). We are seeking information on subscription payment arrangements that provide access to vendors’ software and associated tangible capital assets without granting perpetual license or title to the software and associated tangible capital asset.
Accounting and Financial Management is requesting that you please send us all contracts, including subsequent amendments that could qualify as reportable under GASB 96. AFM will make the determination if a certain SBITA meets GASB 96 standards, or not. Realizing that these contracts are sometimes written in a very unique way, we request you to include any contract or agreement even with $0 commitment.
Please know that this standard does not require you to change how your payments for SBITA are processed; this information is merely used for financial reporting purposes.
Please send the contracts/agreements or any questions you might have to If you know of any other groups within your unit who have SBITA, we ask that you please forward this request to them.