You can now look up the “Salary and Fringe Balances Per Sub-Account – Year Over Year Comparison” online via FRMS (requires GB2 view access). This report shows salary and fringe expenditure activity balances at the sub-account level for the current and past three fiscal years. In order to get as detailed of a report as possible, it is recommended to run the report for a closed month as it will provide an accurate comparison of all four fiscal years.
One thing to remember is this report does not show budget, encumbrances, or centrally-funded fringe reimbursements. If you choose “Year to Date” from the “Month” drop down menu, it will show year-end balances for the previous three fiscal years and the year to date balances for the current year.
Similar to the new online viewing format for GB2, the “Salary and Fringe Balances Per Sub-Account – Year Over Year Comparison” can be exported to Excel. Further explanation and training on running the report can be found here.
Related: GB2- Same Function, New Look
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