HBP Part 15.1. Introduction and Resources

Handbook of Business Procedures

Date published: March 15, 2011
Last revised: February 18, 2025
Issued by: Student Accounts Receivables


A. Introduction

Student Accounts Receivable (SAR) is responsible for maintaining the Centralized Receivables system for the University, which includes tuition and fees and other student bills. SAR oversees collections of all returned payments for campus, as well as past due tuition, loans, and Financial Aid Adjustment bills.

Student Accounts Receivable includes these specific areas:

  • Centralized Receivables

    Balances vouchers for payment sites, maintains billing codes and subcodes in *DEFINE, processes refunds, reconciles receivables discrepancies, and assists departments with receivables questions and issues

  • Tuition Billing

    Oversees tuition and fees billing, processes refunds, applies tuition benefits, stewards 529 plans and 3rd party billing, provides assistance to students and departments, and publishes 1098-T tax forms

  • Loan Services

    Oversees federal (Perkins and Nurse Faculty Loan Program) and institutional loans, processes deferments, oversees billing, collects on past due loans, submits credit bureau reports, responds to borrower questions, and assists departments with loan funds

  • Returned Checks

    Processes all returned, unpaid checks and electronic payments for campus, corresponds with departments, issues chargebacks, and responds to payee questions

  • Scholarship Services

    Processes departmental fellowships and scholarships, assists departments with their SS1 scholarship documents, troubleshoots issues with funds releasing to award recipients, and responds to student questions about their award payments

B. Departmental Partnerships

Departments that wish to use Centralized Receivables  to bill students must contact SAR.

SAR has delegated to Texas Global the acceptance of foreign wires on behalf of international students that are for payment of their tuition and fees and other student bills. Specific requirements and processes for acceptance of their foreign wires will be maintained by Texas Global and approved by SAR.

C. Related Offices



Part 15. Student Accounting - Table of Contents