HBP Part 20.5.1. Requirements for Disposition of Records

Date published: October 23, 2012
Last revised: May 13, 2022
Issued by: Records and Information Management Services


Whether a record is created and maintained within The University of Texas at Austin or by a private contractor to the university, its disposition requirements depend on whether the record is a master record, a convenience copy, or transitory information. For detailed instructions regarding records that contain controlled or confidential information, refer to 20.7.1. Managing Controlled or Confidential Records and 20.7.2. Destruction Options for Controlled or Confidential Records.


  • Convenience Copy Records
    Convenience copies may be destroyed at any time prior to the date the master record has met its retention requirement. They must be destroyed no later than the date the master record has met its retention requirement. Any convenience copy retained after the disposition of the master record becomes a master record.
    Caution: If a determination cannot be made as to whether a record is a master record or a convenience copy, the record must be treated as a master record and all requirements for disposition of master records must be applied. For more information, refer to 20.6.2. Convenience Copies.
  • Transitory Information Records
    Transitory information records may be destroyed when they have served their purpose. RIMS recommends that transitory information records be disposed at regularly scheduled intervals, e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly. For more information, refer to 20.6.3. Transitory Information Records.

Note: Destruction of convenience copies and transitory information records does not require authorization from RIMS.



Part 20. Records Management - Table of Contents