HBP Part 7. Purchasing

Handbook of Business Procedures


Table of Contents

For more information about the Purchasing Office, see Purchasing Home


7.1. Introduction and Resources

7.2. Authority to Obligate

7.3. Purchasing Ethics

7.4. Purchasing Process

7.5. Solicitation Procedures - General Information

7.5.1. eCommerce – UT Market

7.5.2. Use of Existing Contracts

7.5.3. Exclusive Acquisition

7.5.4. Informal Bids – Purchase Value of $15,000.01-$50,000

7.5.5. Invitation to Bid (ITB) – Purchase Value Greater than $50,000; Based Solely on Price and Delivery

7.5.6. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Purchase Value Greater than $50,000; Based on Factors in Addition to Price and Delivery

7.5.7. Request for Qualifications – Used To Qualify Suppliers

7.5.8. Request for Information (RFI) – Used to Gather Information and Specifications

7.5.9. HUB Subcontracting Requirements (HSP)

7.6. Federal Purchasing Guidelines - General Information

7.6.1. Debarment and Suspension

7.6.2. Cost Reasonableness or Cost/Price Analysis – Federal Grants and U.S. Government Prime Contracts

7.6.3. Additional Thresholds for U.S. Government Prime Contracts

7.6.4. Federal Reporting

7.7. Purchases Requiring Special Handling - General Information

7.7.1. Purchase of Used Equipment

7.7.2. Purchase from Employee or Relative of Employee

7.7.3. Purchase from Former Employee

7.7.4. Foreign Purchases and Customs Requirements

7.7.5. Blanket Purchase Orders

7.7.6. Purchase and Payment Methods for Technology Purchases

7.7.7. Purchases Eligible Through Multiple Procurement Methods

7.7.8. Incidental Purchases

7.7.9. Emergency Purchases - Refer to Part 7.5.3. Exclusive Acquisition

7.7.10. Remodeling and Construction Services Purchases

7.7.11. Services Provided by Other University Departments

7.7.12. Software Licenses

7.7.13. Purchase of Telephone Systems

7.7.14. Purchase of Vehicles

7.8. The Procurement Card Program

7.8.1. Procedures for ProCard Holders Authorized and Prohibited Use of ProCard for Low Risk and High Risk Software “Clickwrap” Purchases  Authorized Purchase of Software for Low Risk Services Higher Risk Procurements of Software Prohibited Reporting Requirements


7.8.2. ProCard Application and Issuance Process

7.8.3. Appropriate Conduct with ProCard

7.8.4. ProCard Usage

7.8.5. Payment Voucher Processing

7.8.6. Reporting Requirements for Misuse

7.8.7. Consequences of Misuse

7.8.8. ProCard Cancellations

7.8.9. Contact Information

7.9. Payment Terms, Freight, and Transfer of Ownership - General Information

7.9.1. Payment Terms

7.9.2. Freight

7.9.3. Transfer of Ownership – Free on Board (FOB)

7.10. Purchase Order Changes and Cancellations - General Information

7.10.1. POINT Plus Purchase Order Changes

7.10.2. UT Market Purchase Order Changes

7.10.3. State Contract Purchase Order Changes

7.10.4. Purchase Order Cancellations

7.11. Vendor Procedures - General Information

7.11.1. Vendor Guidelines For Doing Business With The University of Texas at Austin

7.11.2. Bid and Proposal Submission Requirements

7.11.3. Vendor Protests, Disputes, and Resolutions

7.11.4. University Terms and Conditions

7.12. Sustainability - Statement and Purpose

7.12.1. Responsibilities of Procurement and Payment Services

7.12.2. Responsibilities of University Departments

7.12.3. Commodity-Specific Recommendations

7.12.4. Initiatives Toward a More Responsible Supply Chain

7.12.5. Future Goals and Recommendations